Tuesday, July 5, 2011

1. Lake Don Juan – Antarctica
With a salinity of 40%, Don Juan is the salty lake in the world, 18 times more salty than seawater and Dead Sea is only about 8 times more salty than normal seawater. Discovered in 1961 by two pilots, Lt. Don Roe and Lieutenant John Hickey, who called him and so, the lake covers an area of 100 m by 300 m, and it is so shallow that salt does not freeze even at – 30 degrees Celsius.


2. Meteor Crater – Arizona
Crater formed by a meteorite impact is about 69 miles of Flagstaff, near Winslow, Arizona desert in the north. Paradoxically, the name Meteor Crater that was baptized, not from a meteorite, but from the nearest post office, called … Meteor.

The crater was created 50,000 years ago, the Pleistocene epoch when the local climate on the Colorado Plateau was much cooler. There was a vast pasture, transformed over time into a land barren. At the time of meteorite impact 50 meters, the area was inhabited by people.

3. United dune Pyla – France

Incredibly, the largest dune in Europe was formed in a forest near the sea. Pyla dune or dune Pilate is 3 km long, 500 m wide and 100 m height above sea level. Restored with stairs, bordered by rails, dune has become a tourist attraction and gave the ideal place for paragliding, but mystery persists appearance – allegedly began to form 4,000 years ago in southwestern France.

4. Mount Roraima – Venezuela, Brazil and Guyana

Mountain is 400 meters high above sea level and access to it is very difficult. There is a ladder formed naturally in the mountains of Venezuela, difficult to climb, otherwise, only the climbers could dare try to climb up to the plate. In addition, it rains every day, several marshes, where vegetation is thriving and there are a few of unique plant species, including the form of a carnivorous pitcher.
As the mountain is almost always surrounded by clouds, resembles very well with floating rocks Pandora (“Avatar”). Or, rather, James Cameron’s film was inspired by nature land.

5. Socotra – Yemen
One of the strangest places on Earth Socotra island has a harsh climate, which largely destroyed the vegetation. There is the famous Dragon’s Blood Tree, a tree, umbrella shape which produces a red sap. The island, situated in the Arabian Sea, is one of the most biodiverse places on our planet where there is a large number of endemic species (that specific area).

6. Rotorua – New Zealand
The city is situated on the southern shore of the lake with the same name, Rotorua, the Bay of Plenty, north of New Zealand, and is famous for geotermana activity, geysers and pools that simply boiling mud.Rotorua is unfortunately famous for its strong odor of rotten eggs due to geothermal activity leading to the release of sulfur compounds in the atmosphere.

7. Guaira Falls – Brazil

Situated on the River Parana, Guaira Falls is, in terms of total water volume, the largest waterfall on earth, with a rate of 1.75 million cubic meters per second, compared to 70 thousand cubic meters second, how is the flow of Niagara Falls.

To take advantage of such a massive waterfall in 1982 was created naturally from Itaipu dam, the second most powerful hydroelectric dam in the world, Three Gorges Dam. Itaipu Dam supplies 90% of electricity from Praguay and 19% of that consumed in Brazil, including the cities of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo.

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