Wednesday, July 13, 2011

CONCEPT CONTACT US SUBSCRIBE: INgSoc Bicycle Design is A Perfect Piece Of Ride

Tuvie says ”Bicycle is one of the most efficient self-powered modes of transportation always. It serves as an excellent alternative for urban mobility. Well, INgSoc bicycle is not an exception. This bicycle conceives of a future where power-assisted bike will certainly become the prevailing form of urban transportation. In terms of INgSOC’s construction, the frame is built from carbon fiber shatterproof polymer for its strength succumb to weight ratio. The silhouette of INgSoc frame coalesces zero dynamic silhouettes of triathlon designs with flexible handling. The mono-direction strength of the frame offers great adaptability. The ride-style-control permits the rider to control handling against comfort ratio, making the bicycle a perfect daily commuting bike, while still marketing its ability for more aggressive handling in racing environment”.

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